Monday, August 8, 2011

Crappy parents...

Yesterday was kind of an emo day for me. Was just bummed out for some reason. Anyhow, I thought I would get back to bitching about shitty parents.

I know a lot of people with kids. And to be honest, most are decent parents. There are also a few I think are really good parents. And there is also some I think are terrible parents. Granted these are just my opinions and maybe the ones I think are terrible other people think are good. Then again maybe not. What bugs me the most is that people who can't support themselves are allowed to have children. I know good people that for whatever reason can't have kids, yet these morons who probably didn't even graduate high school can. If you can't support yourself, what makes you think you can support a helpless child? Now, I'm not saying that everyone on welfare is a bad parent. Some can be pretty good. The difference is that the good ones realize they have to put their child first. A baby is helpless. They need someone to take care of them a d nurture them. If you don't get that, you don't deserve to have a child.

One of my biggest problems is the lack of discipline nowadays. When I was a child it was perfectly acceptable to spank your child. Now it's child abuse if you do it to much. Some kids just need to be spanked. Yelling at your kid only teaches them that its okay to yell at people. Sending a child to their room is the worst punishment. Hey send me to my room where all my toys and my bed are. Yeah that's a good strategy. The worst thing though is not punishing your children. So, when that child grows up to be an asshole, can we blame it on you? And neglecting a child is just as bad. Letting a child play video games all day is the worst parenting technique ever. You don't want to send time with your kid, so you park them in front of a tv and hand them a remote. Then we wonder why kids have ADD. Is it really going to hurt you to spend some time with your kid? If you didn't want it, why not give it to someone who does.

I hate deadbeat parents. This to me is worse than being a bad parent. Maybe I'm biased because my father wasn't around tosses me grow up. Not that it matters though, cuz my mom did a pretty good job of raising me on her own. I know deadbeat dads, other than my own. And to be honest, the children are better off without them. On of the people I consider a really good parent is a single mother, and both of them are better off without the father in their lives. And I hate when people say "it was an accident." If you're not preventing it, its not an accident. An accident is the birth control didn't work or the condemn ripped, not "oh, he didn't pull out in time."

It amazes me that even though we know smoking is bad and second hand smoke is just as bad, that people still smoke around their children. When I was a child, they didn't know it is as bad as it is. But we know how bad smoking is now. Yet people still smoke around their children. You're so desperate for a cigarette you're gonna endanger your childs health?
Or people that give their babies and toddlers soda. You can't give them milk or juice or water? Soda is so bad and has so much sugar in it. Hey, why don't you just let your child eat a candy bar also. Just set that kid up to be in poor health. Just because your a lazy piece of crap doesn't mean your child has to be that way too.

I don't have any kids, but it's only common sense that you need to watch little children at all times. They love to run away and get into things. It's really not that hard to keep an eye on one. I know people who have more than one and can keep an eye on them. So if they can watch multiple children, it shouldn't be that hard to watch just one. And it's normally a good idea to jeep all drugs and cleaners locked up. You think that would be common sense also, but apparently not for some people.

Anyway, that is all I wanted to bitch about. Hope you enjoy.


It seems like this year is going by really quickly. Maybe it's always like that, but I just haven't noticed it until now. It just seems like it was only a few weeks ago I was turning 29 and 2011 was almost here. Now its August and only 4 months until I turn 29. For some reason this year feels less fun than last year. Maybe it's the shitty weather we have been having, or living with the wife's parents, or something else entirely. It just seems like last summer was more fun. We lived by ourselves and I enjoyed that. I like having privacy. I like being able to walk around naked after taking a shower, or just sitting around in my boxers when it's hot out. I can't do that now. Well, I could, but I don't think anyone would appreciate that.

I guess now would be a good time to talk about the super hero movies this year. I'll start with Thor as it has been my favorite this year. I thought Chris Hemsworth played Thor really well. I had my doubts when I first heard he was gonna be playing him, but he surprised me. I liked that they told some of the back story so that even if you aren't a fan of the comics you can understand the characters a little better. The teaser scene after the credits was cool. But if you're not a fan of the Avengers, it probably won't make sense until you see Captain America. I liked Clint Barton/Hawkeyes little cameo, which is another thing most nonfans will miss. There were a few things I didn't like. One being that they were an alien race. They should have just stuck with them being gods. Really, that might be the only thing I didn't like about it.

X-Men: First Class is my second favorite of the year. I saw this at a drive in, but I wish I would have seen it in theaters also. I loved the characters, even though other than Beast none of them are in the original First Class. I liked that it showed the relationship between Charles(Professor X) and Eric(Magneto). These two are close friends, but their differences in opinion put them at odds with each other. I really liked Azazel. I thought he was the coolest character in the movie. But Nightcrawler is one of my favorite comic characters, and he is pretty much a more ruthless Nightcrawler. I didn't like that it wasn't the original First Class(Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Beast, Angel), but it was still pretty cool. The biggest thing I didn't like was that they didn't show Mystique and Azazel showing any love interest in each other. For those that do not know, Mystique and Azazel are Nightcrawlers parents. I guess if those where the only two things I didn't like, it must have been a pretty good movie then. Also, I loved Wolverine's little cameo.

Captain America was my third favorite. I really like Chris Evans as Steve Rogers/Captain America. I loved how they CGId him to make him look small. I liked that they had Red Skull as the villain. I don't know a whole lot about Cap, but I know that Red Skull is his enemy. I liked the costume, and the shield looked really good. Tommy Lee Jones was really good in his role, and so was the guy that played Howard Stark. The teaser scene at the end was my favorite one of the three this year. My favorite is still the Deadpool one at the end of Wolverine. I didn't like the ending and that they killed of a key character in the comics, but I can get over that.

Finally, there was Green Lantern. I really liked Ryan Reynolds as Hal Jordan/Green Lantern. I liked him better as Wade Wilson in the Wolverine movie, but he fits that character a little better than he does Hal. Still, I thought he did a really good job of playing Hal Jordan. I really liked Kilowog. He is my favorite Green Lantern, so it was cool seeing him in the movie. I liked that they had Sinestro as a Green Lantern the entire movie, but still showed that he will someday betray them. I didn't like Parallax, but I can live with it. The tiny teaser scene was cool and leaves it open for more Green Lantern movies, so that's cool.

Anyhow, I must rest now. Gotta get up in 6 hours. I'll try to update this more, but since nobody probably reads it anyhow, I guess it doesn't matter if I do or not. :-)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mother's Day...

Mother's Day is this Sunday. I try to tell all the mothers I know Happy Mother's Day. Even if it's ones that I only talk to a few times a year. It doesn't take a lot of time to do, and I hope they enjoy it. I think you should get gifts, or at least flowers, for the mothers in your life. Well, not all, but the ones closest to you, like your mother, grandmother, and if you have any, the mother of your kids. I think you need to honor these amazing women in your life. I feel the same way for Father's Day, too. And it doesn't even have to be flowers. Sometimes it is the small things that make people feel the best. Taking your mom out to lunch, or surprising her with a cake and card, or just giving her a call. Last year I surprised my mom with some flowers and a cake. For your wife, maybe picking up around the house, or making her dinner, or just having some alone time together. It really doesn't take a whole lot to show someone you truly appreciate what they do.

My Grandma passed away 2 1/2 years ago. It was 4 weeks before my wedding, which sucked, but you have to deal with it. It was a weird time and I didn't visit her much in her last few months. I had my reasons though. I wanted to remember my Grandma as the person she was, not the person in the hospital bed with the tube in her throat. I only visited her a handful of times in the last year of her life. I could have visited more, but her memory was getting worse every day. Mother's Day of 2008 I visited her and took her a card, and she didn't even remember it was me that brought it to her. So, I think you can see why I didn't visit much. It was heartbreaking seeing her that way. I loved that woman more than any person ever. More than my mom, more than Lindsay, more than anyone. She did so much for Lindsay and I. She was a truly wonderful person, and it saddens me to think that my children will never get a chance to meet her. This may sound cocky or whatever, but I always like to think that I was her favorite. Maybe because I was the baby of the grandchildren. I know most grandparents and parents don't have favorites, but I just like to think I was hers. I'm sure my sister and cousins think the same thing.

Mother's Day is a day to show these women that you really appreciate what they do the other 364 days of the year, or to show that even though you are an adult, you always need you mommy. :-) I myself am a mommas boy, and I don't mind admitting that. My mom raised me the best she could and always made sure I had everything I needed. She sacrificed stuff for her just so I could have what I wanted. For the most part, she was a single mother. She didn't have a job the entire time, but she always made sure there was food on the table, clothes on my back and a roof over my head. I am truly grateful for this. I'll be honest, I was a shitty kid. I didn't listen very well and was ungrateful at times. I talked back and stayed out past my curfew. But now that I look back on it, my mom was just doing what was best for me. I didn't need to be out all hours of the night doing god only knows what. I needed to accept that it's not about what you get, it's the thought that counts. I'm thankful for the mom I have. She made sure I grew up to be a decent human being, which I think I did.

And on that note, I've gotta run.

Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful mothers out there.

Love Ya.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


People are stupid. There is a reason I isolate myself most of the time. I can't deal with other people and their nonsense. It seems like lately the only people I enjoy spending time with, other then Lindsay, are my Heroclix friends. Every body else kind of annoys me. But, I'm sure I annoy people too.

I hate when you're "friends" with people and they invite mutual friends over and don't invite you. It makes you not want to hang out with those people at all. If you don't want to hang out with me, that's cool. I understand. I would rather sit in my room on the computer than hang out with people that don't give a fuck about me. There are a lot of things I can look at on the computer that are way more fun than hanging out with "friends." The same goes for people that say they are gonna hang out but then when the time comes, they have some shitty excuse. Again, if you don't want to hang out, say so, don't make up some dumb excuse. 

Over the last few years I've made new friends and lost touch with others. Some I miss, others I don't. Some of the new friends I enjoy hanging out with, some are annoying. I have seen the good in friends and I've seen the bad. I have a few groups of friends and I like it that way. I have my Heroclix friends, who I hang out with on Saturdays. I enjoy this time. It's the one time of the week that I normally have fun and don't have to worry about shit. I can just relax and BS with these friends and nothing really matters. There is no stress, no bills, no worries at the time. These are the times I enjoy. Sitting around and having time to think is something I don't like doing much. It gets me thinking of the shitty situation we are in and how we got here. But, you live and learn, right?

Another group of friends would be my family really. I enjoy spending time with Lindsay. She is the one person that I don't get tired of. Sure, we fight, but at the end of the day, she's the one I'm laying next to. Other people get annoying, real fast. That is one of the things I loved about living by ourselves. Just being able to sit in a quiet apartment and not have to hear people arguing and bitching. But sometimes you gotta sacrifice some things for others. We sacrificed our privacy for cheaper rent so we could pay off our bills faster. When it is all said and done, being debt free and being able to save for a house are way more important than our privacy right now. 

Then there are Lindsay's friends which by default are my friends. And honestly, I kind of like them more than other friends. They were are friends before we moved, and they are still our friends. They almost seem like more family then friends. I like some of them more than I like some of my actual family members. These are people that I have met through Lindsay and most are Hair Stylists. Of all my friends, they are some of the ones I've known the longest, at least while living in Western Washington. They may be annoying at times, but they are a lot better friends than some other friends we have. Sure, we don't see them as much as we use to, but that's okay. Sometimes you need breaks from your friends.

I believe that a friend is someone who accepts you for who you are. They don't care how much money you have or if you are gay or straight. They get your jokes and laugh at you even when you're not funny. They come hang out with you on your birthday, even when they have to be up early for work the next day. That to me is what a true friend is. Not someone who ditches you, or prefers to hang out with their other friend over you. I personally have a love for all my friends, even if I only see them once a week, or they live in another state, or even country. But, that's the great thing about Facebook is it allows you to keep in touch with these friends.

As you may notice, I started off on more of an angry note, but ended on a happier one. Weird how just writing stuff down can do that.  :-)

Well, that's it.....Love you all....

Monday, April 4, 2011

I can't believe it's April already...

Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating christmas and the new year, and now it's already April. But I guess that means the days will get longer and we will have nicer weather, which is a plus. Of course I don't really have anything to look forward to this summer really except for playing Heroclix on Saturdays, but I do that anyways. Honestly, last summer was probably one of my favorite summers. Not that we really did much, but just hanging out and barbecuing made it fun. But now we no longer live in Silverdale and two of our friends are in Europe, one permanently and the other for school. Luckily we have met other people to hang out with here in Port Townsend, so that's cool.

So, as the days get longer and the weather gets nicer, I've noticed our neighbors grandkids running around a lot. But here's the thing, I never see anyone supervising them. And these aren't big kids, the oldest one being maybe 8 or so. They leave their bikes and shit laying all around and they are always playing in the road. Now, it's a gravel road, so most people won't be going 50 mph down it, but still, kids that young should at least have an adult supervising them. Also, we live right next to a forested area and we know there are coyotes and cougars in this area. I would never wish harm on kid, but I always have that thought in that back of my head of what's gonna happen when one of these kids comes up missing. Who is to blame? The grandparents who aren't watching them, or the parents who live 50 yards away that aren't watching them. I don't see how someone can think it's okay to leave children that young unsupervised.

On another more positive note, baseball season just started. Normally I'm not a big baseball fan, but with the NFL lockout and basketball being almost over, baseball may become my sport of choosing. I would love to get out to a few Mariners games this year. But that all depends on people's schedules and when it's convenient for everyone else. I don't mind seeing a movie by myself, but going to a sporting event is a two or more people event. I would also like to get out to a few Sounders games, but again that depends on people's schedules. I'm not a huge soccer fan, but it seems like it would be fun to go to a Sounders game.

I mentioned Heroclix earlier and probably have posted things about it on Facebook, but I'll get into a little more right now. Basically it's a tabletop game played on a map. You play with miniature figures from DC or Marvel. It is a surprisingly fun game and even if you are new to the game it's pretty easy to jump right in and be competitive. And a lot of the other people that play are really nice and will let you have some of their common and uncommon doubles. If you think this might sound fun, stop by your local gaming or comic store and see if they have any. I play at Ye Olde Dragon's Horde in Silverdale. It's across from Safeway below King's Wok. We normally have between 4 and 7 people and we just play for fun. There are normally prizes for the top three, but if there isn't a bunch of people we normally each get a prize. Heroclix has taken over Magic: The Gathering as my new favorite "nerd" game.

The summer is coming up and with this comes the awesome movies that are coming out. I'm super excited to see Thor, Captain America, and Green Lantern. There are a lot of other movies coming out that look like they are gonna be really good. I saw Sucker Punch the weekend before last and I was pleasantly surprised with it. I didn't really expect it to have an amazing plot or story, which it didn't. But, the action and special effects were really good. I also saw Paul last week and I thought it was amazing. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but it was a really good movie. So far of the two movies I've seen, Paul was the best. Thor looks like it will be a really good movie, but after Wolverine, I'm not getting my hopes up real high. Wolverine was a decent movie if you weren't a fan of comics. The same for Captain America and Green Lantern. I hope they live up to the expectations and are good movies.

One more thing before I end this. My goal this summer is to lose about 30 lbs. My doctor told me a few months ago he would like me to get down to about 195. This shouldn't be to hard since we have our treadmill and we have a dog to walk. I am trying to lift weights a few times a week and walk on the treadmill a few times. I've been trying to eat better and stay away from high fat, high sugar things, but having a terrible sweettooth is really hard. I've cut back a lot on my sugar intake, which is good, but I just can't give it up entirely.

And on that note, I will say goodbye and enjoy.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


This weekend was Emerald City ComiCon. I went yesterday and it was pretty fun. I didn't get there until about 4 or so, but that still left 3 hours to walk around. There was some pretty cool costumes and some terrible ones too. My favorites were to the two guys dressed as Venom and Anti-Venom. Of course there was the regular costumes like Darth Vader, Storm Troopers and Bounty Hunters. Sadly, no one was dressed as Dog the Bounty Hunter. The cutest was a little girl that was maybe 4 dressed as Wonder Woman. There were a couple other kids dressed up too, but she was the cutest. There were too many bad ones to really pick the worst, but I'll get into that one in a minute. There were more costumes, I thought, than last year. But I could be wrong.

So, I already mentioned Venom and Anti-Venom. I don't know why, but I really liked those costumes. I saw a couple Deadpools and even Lady Deadpool. Too bad no one thought to do Kidpool or Dogpool. That would have been pretty cool. I saw Kick-Ass, which is pretty easy costume to do. There was a Hitgirl, which was not really that great. There was a Ramona Flowers, which like Hitgirl, wasn't that great. There was a Hellboy and even a Hellgirl. Both of those were pretty good. I thought there would be more aliens from Star Trek, seeing as how William Shatner was there. There was a couple of Predators, one being better than the other. The oddest one I saw, and I still can't figure it out, was someone dressed as a German Shepard. That one boggled my mine. I have no idea what it was from, unless maybe it was suppose to be Rin Tin Tin.

As I said, there was more than a few bad ones. It wasn't necessarily the costumes that were bad, but more the people who were wearing them. I know that part of the fun for some people is dressing up like your favorite character, and that's cool. And maybe it's comic books unrealistic portrayal of women characters that ruins that for me. If you've ever read a comic book or graphic novel, you'll know that the women are very well endowed. Especially ones like Emma Frost, who is known to where some of the skimpiest outfits. So, when I see a flat chested, unattractive girl dressed up like her, I'm not really a big fan of it. Granted there isn't many women that can pull off the Emma Frost look. A few of the other bad ones was a chubby girl dressed as the Scarlet Witch. Again, I have no problem with you dressing up, but if you don't look good in spandex, please do us all a favor and dress accordingly.

After ComiCon was over, they had a panel with Rainn Wilson and the director of his new movie, Super. It was a really fun panel and even had an appearance by a couple of the local "Superheroes." The trailor for the movie was good and made me really want to see it. It opens nationwide April 1st, or if you live in Seattle, April 15th, so if you have a chance go find a theater that is playing it. It's a low budget film, so it might be hard to find it, but it looks like it will be well worth it. After the panel they had a meet and greet, but you had to purchase those in advance, so we didn't get to meet him. That's okay though. Before we left I had to say hi to and meet a few of the people from the BJ Shea Morning Experience, which airs on 99.9 KISW from 6-10am Monday-Friday. I originally was just gonna say hi to Vicky Barcelona, who has a podcast called Intern Radio, but figured we could say hi to BJ Shea, The Rev and Mono Nick as well.

Afterwords, we headed to Laughs Comedy Spot to see Myq Kaplan, who was hilarious. Check him out if you get a chance.

Overall, it was a really good time, and I can't wait until next year. Hopefully I'll be able to get there a little bit earlier so I can see some of the other panels and meet some of the guests.

Bye for now...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ramblings of the day...

People annoy me. It's one of the reasons I loved living alone. Then you don't have to deal with other peoples bullshit. You can be alone and don't have to listen to other people bitch about stuff. Plus having privacy is great. I love being able to walk around naked, but you can't do that when you live with people. Well, I guess you could, but I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate it. The only downside to living alone is the expenses. It isn't cheap being on your own, even when you have another person that works. One of the things that truly annoys me is people that complain about stupid stuff. Granted I complain when I have to clean the cats shitbox, so maybe I'm a little bit of a hypocrite. But, I do end up cleaning it, I just like to make a scene first.

I have found that living with people only makes you dislike them. Living with Lindsay is one thing. I'm married to here and have to deal with her craziness, just the same as she has to deal with mine. Everyone is a little crazy though, that's what makes people unique. But dealing with other peoples craziness is another thing altogether. That's the reason I hibernate in my room most of the time. I don't like dealing with the craziness. The worst is when people don't admit that they are little off their rocker. No one is completely sane. That's the beauty of humans, no one is perfect. Could you imagine living in a world where everyone was perfect. That would terrible. That's like people that move to Hawaii and after a few years start to hate it. The fact that it almost never changes probably gets to people. But I'm sure it would be the same for someone moving from there to here. The shitty weather we have here would drive a person who is use to sun 90% of the time insane. Then we wonder why we're the suicide capital of the world.

Something else that annoys me is people that are fake. You may visit and their house is spotless, but what about when no one is there. I would rather see peoples shit laying around and know that they are actual people, then go to a house and it be spotless. Then it just seems like no one lives there. Why make your house look exquisite just to impress people? It's your own place, screw what other people think of it. Of course, it shouldn't be a complete disaster. Those same people may talk nice to your face, then turn around and talk a lot of shit about you. If you don't like me, tell me. I'd rather not waste my time hanging out with someone that is gonna talk shit about me later. I could be playing video games, or watching tv, or tons of other things that would make me happier. Fake tans annoy me too. The worst is the girls that fake tan and bleach their hair. Who the hell really finds that attractive? You look like and asshole. You could have been hot before you started trying to look like those Jersey Shore sluts. Fake tits I'm okay with, cus I like boobies. And extensions are alright too. But that's really it. The whole plastic surgery thing baffles me. Why do you want to look 20 at age 50. Your face may say 20, but the rest of you is still old and some parts may not work that well. 

So, yeah. That's all I can think of for now. And all the scenarios are just examples. I'm not targeting anybody in particular. Just making observations, so no one take anything I've written to heart. :-)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, this being my first post, I figured I'd make it about the thing that has been bothering me for awhile. Some of you may have already seen my posts of facebook about how I feel about people having kids. I don't think people should be allowed to have kids if they don't have a job and an education. If you cant take care of yourself, what makes you think you can take care of a child. Sure, the state will help, but is that really any way to live. No kid wants to grow up being the welfare kid at school. Believe me I know, I was that kid most of my life. Its not fun. And why do people think its okay for these uneducated, unemployed people to have kids.  Maybe I'm jealous that these people that don't deserve kids are having them, while I've put 8 1/2 years into a relationship and for some reason cant have kids. And I hate when people say it was an accident. If you are not actively preventing it, it isn't an accident. Its either you being stupid, or you wanting a kid so you'll have someone to actually love you.

I know a lot of people that have kids and honestly I can name maybe 5 that I would consider good parents. Of course my idea of a good parent might be different than other peoples. I know single mothers that are better parents than two people combined, and that's sad. If you didn't want to raise a kid, maybe you shouldn't have been an idiot and used protection. You should at least be able to support your own self before you have a child. I don't think that someone has to make a lot of money to take care of their kids. I'm sure it helps. But if you love your kids and want the best for them, why bring them into a world where all they're gonna know is just getting by. I would rather be set in my career and be able to afford having a child than having a child and having to struggle to live. I know people on both ends of the spectrum. Some are good parents, some are not. Some make good money, some don't. But the ones that are good parents all have something in common. They all put their kids before themselves. Letting your baby sit around in a shitty diaper til he gets a rash is not my idea of good parenting, but why does he have a shitty diaper? Maybe its because the parent cares more about themselves then their kids. Some people need to realize that once you have a baby, nothing else matters. If you would rather hang out with your friends all day than take care of your kid, why even bother. The kid would be better off with someone who actually wanted it. I know people that for whatever reason cant have kids and would love to have a family, but these people that don't want kids are having them.

I have no problem with people buying their kids clothes from goodwill or thrift stores, as long as the kids themselves are clean and look nice. Not having a lot of money is no excuse to send your kid to school looking like they just rolled out of bed. I would rather get up 30 minutes earlier each day then send my kid to school looking like a ragamuffin. But some people cant be bothered to take the extra time to make their kids look nice. And yet these people can have kids, while lots of couples that would love to have a family, can't.

As I said earlier, I only know a handful of people I would consider good parents. On the other hand though, I can only name a handful I think are bad parents. The rest are decent. What qualifies a person to be a good parent to me? Going out and partying every weekend when you have kids, may not be the best thing. Sure your kids may be dressed cute and clean and well taken care of, but what kind of message does that send to the kid when their parents are out all night. Helping your kids learn is probably one of the most important things a parent can do. Something a simple as reading them a bedtime story or watching one of those terrible kids shows is something you should want to do so your kid learns and grows. But some people cant even do that. Kids are suppose to be the most important thing in your life, not a deterrent. If you would rather go out with your friends than sit at home with your kid, maybe you aren't cut out to be a parent. 

Well, that's all i can think of for now, so I'll leave it at that.

I'll try to do this once a week, but don't hold me to that. :-)