So, this being my first post, I figured I'd make it about the thing that has been bothering me for awhile. Some of you may have already seen my posts of facebook about how I feel about people having kids. I don't think people should be allowed to have kids if they don't have a job and an education. If you cant take care of yourself, what makes you think you can take care of a child. Sure, the state will help, but is that really any way to live. No kid wants to grow up being the welfare kid at school. Believe me I know, I was that kid most of my life. Its not fun. And why do people think its okay for these uneducated, unemployed people to have kids. Maybe I'm jealous that these people that don't deserve kids are having them, while I've put 8 1/2 years into a relationship and for some reason cant have kids. And I hate when people say it was an accident. If you are not actively preventing it, it isn't an accident. Its either you being stupid, or you wanting a kid so you'll have someone to actually love you.
I know a lot of people that have kids and honestly I can name maybe 5 that I would consider good parents. Of course my idea of a good parent might be different than other peoples. I know single mothers that are better parents than two people combined, and that's sad. If you didn't want to raise a kid, maybe you shouldn't have been an idiot and used protection. You should at least be able to support your own self before you have a child. I don't think that someone has to make a lot of money to take care of their kids. I'm sure it helps. But if you love your kids and want the best for them, why bring them into a world where all they're gonna know is just getting by. I would rather be set in my career and be able to afford having a child than having a child and having to struggle to live. I know people on both ends of the spectrum. Some are good parents, some are not. Some make good money, some don't. But the ones that are good parents all have something in common. They all put their kids before themselves. Letting your baby sit around in a shitty diaper til he gets a rash is not my idea of good parenting, but why does he have a shitty diaper? Maybe its because the parent cares more about themselves then their kids. Some people need to realize that once you have a baby, nothing else matters. If you would rather hang out with your friends all day than take care of your kid, why even bother. The kid would be better off with someone who actually wanted it. I know people that for whatever reason cant have kids and would love to have a family, but these people that don't want kids are having them.
I have no problem with people buying their kids clothes from goodwill or thrift stores, as long as the kids themselves are clean and look nice. Not having a lot of money is no excuse to send your kid to school looking like they just rolled out of bed. I would rather get up 30 minutes earlier each day then send my kid to school looking like a ragamuffin. But some people cant be bothered to take the extra time to make their kids look nice. And yet these people can have kids, while lots of couples that would love to have a family, can't.
As I said earlier, I only know a handful of people I would consider good parents. On the other hand though, I can only name a handful I think are bad parents. The rest are decent. What qualifies a person to be a good parent to me? Going out and partying every weekend when you have kids, may not be the best thing. Sure your kids may be dressed cute and clean and well taken care of, but what kind of message does that send to the kid when their parents are out all night. Helping your kids learn is probably one of the most important things a parent can do. Something a simple as reading them a bedtime story or watching one of those terrible kids shows is something you should want to do so your kid learns and grows. But some people cant even do that. Kids are suppose to be the most important thing in your life, not a deterrent. If you would rather go out with your friends than sit at home with your kid, maybe you aren't cut out to be a parent.
Well, that's all i can think of for now, so I'll leave it at that.
I'll try to do this once a week, but don't hold me to that. :-)
john you'll be a cool parent someday i have faith in it