Tuesday, May 3, 2011


People are stupid. There is a reason I isolate myself most of the time. I can't deal with other people and their nonsense. It seems like lately the only people I enjoy spending time with, other then Lindsay, are my Heroclix friends. Every body else kind of annoys me. But, I'm sure I annoy people too.

I hate when you're "friends" with people and they invite mutual friends over and don't invite you. It makes you not want to hang out with those people at all. If you don't want to hang out with me, that's cool. I understand. I would rather sit in my room on the computer than hang out with people that don't give a fuck about me. There are a lot of things I can look at on the computer that are way more fun than hanging out with "friends." The same goes for people that say they are gonna hang out but then when the time comes, they have some shitty excuse. Again, if you don't want to hang out, say so, don't make up some dumb excuse. 

Over the last few years I've made new friends and lost touch with others. Some I miss, others I don't. Some of the new friends I enjoy hanging out with, some are annoying. I have seen the good in friends and I've seen the bad. I have a few groups of friends and I like it that way. I have my Heroclix friends, who I hang out with on Saturdays. I enjoy this time. It's the one time of the week that I normally have fun and don't have to worry about shit. I can just relax and BS with these friends and nothing really matters. There is no stress, no bills, no worries at the time. These are the times I enjoy. Sitting around and having time to think is something I don't like doing much. It gets me thinking of the shitty situation we are in and how we got here. But, you live and learn, right?

Another group of friends would be my family really. I enjoy spending time with Lindsay. She is the one person that I don't get tired of. Sure, we fight, but at the end of the day, she's the one I'm laying next to. Other people get annoying, real fast. That is one of the things I loved about living by ourselves. Just being able to sit in a quiet apartment and not have to hear people arguing and bitching. But sometimes you gotta sacrifice some things for others. We sacrificed our privacy for cheaper rent so we could pay off our bills faster. When it is all said and done, being debt free and being able to save for a house are way more important than our privacy right now. 

Then there are Lindsay's friends which by default are my friends. And honestly, I kind of like them more than other friends. They were are friends before we moved, and they are still our friends. They almost seem like more family then friends. I like some of them more than I like some of my actual family members. These are people that I have met through Lindsay and most are Hair Stylists. Of all my friends, they are some of the ones I've known the longest, at least while living in Western Washington. They may be annoying at times, but they are a lot better friends than some other friends we have. Sure, we don't see them as much as we use to, but that's okay. Sometimes you need breaks from your friends.

I believe that a friend is someone who accepts you for who you are. They don't care how much money you have or if you are gay or straight. They get your jokes and laugh at you even when you're not funny. They come hang out with you on your birthday, even when they have to be up early for work the next day. That to me is what a true friend is. Not someone who ditches you, or prefers to hang out with their other friend over you. I personally have a love for all my friends, even if I only see them once a week, or they live in another state, or even country. But, that's the great thing about Facebook is it allows you to keep in touch with these friends.

As you may notice, I started off on more of an angry note, but ended on a happier one. Weird how just writing stuff down can do that.  :-)

Well, that's it.....Love you all....

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh.... I <3 you John!!!!! I miss both you and Lindz, and I hope to see you this summer :)
