Sunday, April 14, 2013


I'd rather have enemies,
Than friends that don't care.
I'd rather be hated,
Than know I'm not wanted.
There's nothing I fear more,
Than dying alone.
But I know the way things are going,
That's how it will be.
Truth is, I'm terribly afraid of death,
But way more afraid of this short life.
I feel love, hate, joy, pain,
But I've forgotten what its like to be happy.
Would anyone care if I wasn't here?
Would they go about life and forget my face?
Frankly, I could care less.
Fuck it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Stuff and Things...

I fucking love The Walking Dead, but that show has me on the craziest emotional roller coaster. One minute I hate a character, next I'm mourning their death. I think this is what makes it such an amazing show. You never really know what is going to happen next.

Okay, on to other stuff. I may come back to TWD later in this post though. So, I just saw G.I. Joe: Retaliation. It's not terrible, not great either. The Rock is entertaining as always and the ninja fights are incredible, but the rest of the movie is kinda blah. It's nowhere near as bad as Ghostrider 2 was though. That movie was terrible. Luckily we have Iron Man 2 and Wolverine coming out soon. I think this may be the only movie I've seen this year. Not much of a movie watcher unless it's something I've been looking forward to for awhile, like the previous mentioned movies. Let's see, other than those two, some other movies I'm excited to see this year. I really liked Hunger Games so I'm looking forward to the next movie. Plus Jennifer Lawrence is adorable. Kick Ass 2 looks amazing. I loved the first one, and hope they don't fuck this one up. I can't think of any other ones I am super excited for. I guess Man of Steel, but I've been somewhat let down by the last couple Superman movies, so I don't have high expectations for this one. Let's hope I'm proven wrong.

Let's move on to TV. As I already said, I love The Walking Dead. It's pretty much the only show I watch. That and Talking Dead. I watched the first season of Arrow, and its not a terrible show, just haven't caught up on this season yet. I'm not a huge Game of Thrones fan. I have seen the first season, but not the second or start of the third. I think maybe I'll look into catching up on last season though. Gotta have something to watch on Sunday nights until October. :) That's really it for TV. Rediculousness and Tosh.0 are two shows I watch if I'm bored and they are on, but not something I make plans to watch.

Music. I listen to music every day. Some days its metal, some rap. Just however I'm feeling that day. I'm currently listening to In Flames. I've had a couple Shadows Fall albums on repeat in my car, as well as As I Lay Dying and A7X. Other music I'm into right now: Watsky. He just put out a new album, Cardboard Castles, and I have to say, it's really good. I should also mention, most rap I listen to is by white Machine Gun Kelly. Lace Up! was in my opinion the best rap album put out last year. I love every track on it, even the ones I had already heard. This was one of the rare times I actually went to the music store to buy a physical copy the day it was released, and I was not disappointed. Macklemore. If MGK put out the best record, Macklemore was a very close second. This album is so damn good. He has a song that every time I hear it, makes me want to go to Seattle, which I'm okay with since I love going there. :)

 Lets talk about Comicons. So far I've been to two this year. Wizard World Portland Comicon and Emerald City Comicon. Both of these were good cons, but I always prefer the hometown one. Not just because its closer, but because it is very well run and put together. Portland was a smaller con and was fun and saw a lot of good cosplay. It wasn't too overcrowded for being in a smaller space. The Norman Reedus autograph line was crazy long though. I ended up meeting Michael Rooker(Merle from Walking Dead) so that was really cool. Spent way too much money though. Bad part about it, and this had nothing to do with the con itself, is someone stole my debit card number, so I had to borrow money until we got home Monday. That sucked, but hey, at least my bank noticed it and none of my money got stolen. The other thing that happened was my car got broken the middle of the damn day. My driver side back door window was busted out and my two friends stuff was stolen out of the back seat. Still kinda blame myself for not cleaning out my trunk to put their stuff in there. ECCC was super fun. I had spent too much the previous weekend, so I had a limited amount to spend, but still had a good time. Met new people and hung out with some other friends that were there, so that made up for everything else. There was so many good costumes this year. This is honestly my favorite part of Cons. Seeing how creative people can get with their cosplay.

I said I would talk about Walking Dead more. I can't explain in words how much I love this show. Every actor plays their character so perfectly. And I love that it follows the comics to a point, but also takes different routes from the comics. So even if you have read them, there are plot twists that you won't see coming. I was sad to see some of the characters go this season(don't worry, won't spoil any), but am super excited to see where the show goes from here. Man, I can't wait until October.

That's it for now.<3's