Where does the time go? It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating christmas and the new year, and now it's already April. But I guess that means the days will get longer and we will have nicer weather, which is a plus. Of course I don't really have anything to look forward to this summer really except for playing Heroclix on Saturdays, but I do that anyways. Honestly, last summer was probably one of my favorite summers. Not that we really did much, but just hanging out and barbecuing made it fun. But now we no longer live in Silverdale and two of our friends are in Europe, one permanently and the other for school. Luckily we have met other people to hang out with here in Port Townsend, so that's cool.
So, as the days get longer and the weather gets nicer, I've noticed our neighbors grandkids running around a lot. But here's the thing, I never see anyone supervising them. And these aren't big kids, the oldest one being maybe 8 or so. They leave their bikes and shit laying all around and they are always playing in the road. Now, it's a gravel road, so most people won't be going 50 mph down it, but still, kids that young should at least have an adult supervising them. Also, we live right next to a forested area and we know there are coyotes and cougars in this area. I would never wish harm on kid, but I always have that thought in that back of my head of what's gonna happen when one of these kids comes up missing. Who is to blame? The grandparents who aren't watching them, or the parents who live 50 yards away that aren't watching them. I don't see how someone can think it's okay to leave children that young unsupervised.
On another more positive note, baseball season just started. Normally I'm not a big baseball fan, but with the NFL lockout and basketball being almost over, baseball may become my sport of choosing. I would love to get out to a few Mariners games this year. But that all depends on people's schedules and when it's convenient for everyone else. I don't mind seeing a movie by myself, but going to a sporting event is a two or more people event. I would also like to get out to a few Sounders games, but again that depends on people's schedules. I'm not a huge soccer fan, but it seems like it would be fun to go to a Sounders game.
I mentioned Heroclix earlier and probably have posted things about it on Facebook, but I'll get into a little more right now. Basically it's a tabletop game played on a map. You play with miniature figures from DC or Marvel. It is a surprisingly fun game and even if you are new to the game it's pretty easy to jump right in and be competitive. And a lot of the other people that play are really nice and will let you have some of their common and uncommon doubles. If you think this might sound fun, stop by your local gaming or comic store and see if they have any. I play at Ye Olde Dragon's Horde in Silverdale. It's across from Safeway below King's Wok. We normally have between 4 and 7 people and we just play for fun. There are normally prizes for the top three, but if there isn't a bunch of people we normally each get a prize. Heroclix has taken over Magic: The Gathering as my new favorite "nerd" game.
The summer is coming up and with this comes the awesome movies that are coming out. I'm super excited to see Thor, Captain America, and Green Lantern. There are a lot of other movies coming out that look like they are gonna be really good. I saw Sucker Punch the weekend before last and I was pleasantly surprised with it. I didn't really expect it to have an amazing plot or story, which it didn't. But, the action and special effects were really good. I also saw Paul last week and I thought it was amazing. It wasn't as funny as I thought it would be, but it was a really good movie. So far of the two movies I've seen, Paul was the best. Thor looks like it will be a really good movie, but after Wolverine, I'm not getting my hopes up real high. Wolverine was a decent movie if you weren't a fan of comics. The same for Captain America and Green Lantern. I hope they live up to the expectations and are good movies.
One more thing before I end this. My goal this summer is to lose about 30 lbs. My doctor told me a few months ago he would like me to get down to about 195. This shouldn't be to hard since we have our treadmill and we have a dog to walk. I am trying to lift weights a few times a week and walk on the treadmill a few times. I've been trying to eat better and stay away from high fat, high sugar things, but having a terrible sweettooth is really hard. I've cut back a lot on my sugar intake, which is good, but I just can't give it up entirely.
And on that note, I will say goodbye and enjoy.